My heart is steadfast. I will sing and make melody.
Psalm 57:7 NRSV
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105 NRSV
Sixty Seconds for CE, 18 March 2023 (A new feature!)
We were recently asked “Why did some council decide to make these
books scripture?”. The Old and New Testaments in our pew Bibles follow very
different evolutions.
The current New Testament is largely based on Apostolic tradition. Most of the texts
are referenced or quoted by 1 st century bishops originally appointed by the Apostles.
By the 3rd century the “major” books of the New Testament were universally
accepted, but there was some dispute regarding Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 3 John,
and Jude.
These disputes were resolved by the Council of Rome in 382 AD and the
current canon of 27 books remains unchanged since then. This canon was formally
reaffirmed for the Catholic Church at the Council of Trent (1546), for the Church of
England by the Thirty-Nine Articles (1563), and by the Presbyterians in the
Westminster Confession (1647).
We joyfully invite children into worship. Whether it's laughter, or crying, or playing, we believe that children benefit from early exposure to worship and love their presence with us.
There is a time for children during the service where children and young people are invited to join the pastor for a special message and prayer. Following that time, children are invited to return to the pews with their family or to attend Sunday School downstairs with our Sunday School leaders.
In our tradition, we baptize children, youth, and adults, within our worship service. If you want to know more information about baptism and what it means and why we baptize, please reach out to Pastor Becca at
The Youth Group is led by Alumni Dylan Vasbinder and Pastor Becca.
Our Youth Group is for youth from 6th-12th grade. We help steep our youth in the faith through fun activities during Movie Night, Game Night, etc., as well as bigger adventures on youth retreats to Woodberry Crossing and Ocean City. We encourage our youth to learn about Jesus, but to also explore their beliefs in an open and loving environment. We believe that this is a crucial time in faith development, and we try to walk alongside our youth as they try out new things.
9th-12th graders are invited to participate in Confirmation. Confirmation is a formational time for youth to choose to accept Christ as their own. We approach confirmation in a somewhat informal fashion: lessons from Old and New Testaments, what it means to be a Presbyterian, and the commonalities and differences in other faiths. We do our very best to keep an open dialogue with our youth so they can ask questions and discover a faith all their own.
Adult Education
Our Adult Education is very much initiated by the adults within our congregation and their particular needs or desires to explore particular topics. We have had lectionary studies, and inquirers groups, etc. There is currently a book study that is ongoing that can be found on our calendar.
We do not have a young adult group (20ish-40ish) group, but would love to build one! We also would love to hear your suggestions of any adult education ventures you would enjoy or any topics you would like to explore deeper in a faith setting.